Friday, July 20, 2018

The Hyssop Plants in The Bible: Hyssop is one of the better-known plants of the Bible referred to in ten places in the Old Testament and ...

Mga Benepisyo sa Pag gamit ng Hyssop Oil

The Hyssop Plants in The Bible:
Hyssop is one of the better-known plants of the Bible referred to in ten places in the Old Testament and two in the New, of which one is a reference to the Old. This plant, or a product of this plant, formed an important part of the Passover (Exodus 12:22), ceremonial cleansing from skin disease (Leviticus 14), and the red heifer offering (Numbers 19). It is perhaps in reference to the latter that David mentions hyssop in Psalm 51:7. The New Testament reference is in John

"Purge me with HYSSOP, and I shall be Clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7

 19:29 (discussed below). Hebrews 9:19 refers to the ceremonial cleansing of the children of Israel and mentions hyssop. Interestingly, this use of hyssop is not specifically mentioned for this incident in the Old Testament, but it seems to be a common instrument for handling a sponge, which will help us to clarify John 19:29. The remaining reference, I Kings 4:33, is the only Old Testament verse which does not mention hyssop in a ceremonial use. It is also one of the most puzzling verses dealing with hyssop. This is the crux in the study of hyssop. 

This study deals with the botanical identity of the plant known as hyssop and the two problematical verses, I Kings 4:33 and John 19:29. There have been many studies on hyssop (in lit.), more than could be reviewed here.

Hyssop, ezov in Hebrew, must have the following features according to the Scriptures where it is mentioned. It should grow on a "wall" (I Kings 4:33). The plant and/or its extracts should be useful for purgatives. In both Leviticus 14 and Numbers 19, hyssop is associated

Best Benefits of Hyssop Essential Oil


Health Benefits of Hyssop Essential Oil

Ancient people were not wrong when they identified the medicinal properties of this essential oil. We can also benefit from the following medicinal properties of Hyssop oil.


The function of an astringent is to contract or cause something to shrink. Hyssop essential oil, being an astringent, makes the gums, muscles and limbs, abdomen, intestines, skin, tissues and blood vessels to contract. This can help you in many ways. This can prevent muscles and skin from sagging down due to age, loosening or loss of teeth, wrinkles, and hemorrhaging, all by quickly contracting the blood vessels.


Being an antispasmodic, Hyssop essential oil gives relief in spasms of the respiratory system, thereby curing spasmodic coughs. It also cures spasms of the nervous system in order to cure convulsions and related problems, as well as reducing muscular spasms, which cures cramps, and spasms of the intestines, giving relief from acute abdominal pain. It is also beneficial in curing spasmodic cholera.


Since Hyssop oil improves and promotes circulation, it helps cure diseases associated with poor circulation, such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and swelling.


Whenever we are wounded or get a cut or abrasion, our first worry is that the wound might become septic. If it is an iron object, then there remains a chance of it becoming infected by tetanus. Hyssop oil, applied on wounds, might help us avoid both of the above situations. Since it is an antiseptic substance, it prevents infections from developing into wounds.


Deep cuts will heal quicker and the scar marks left by them will disappear sooner if Hyssop oil is applied to them. It is equally beneficial to fade away the after spots of boils, pox, infections, and insect bites.


This oil facilitates digestion. Being a stimulant, it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices like acids, enzymes, and bile into the stomach, which speeds up the decomposition of complex proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients. It also facilitates the passage of these foods through the intestines by stimulating peristaltic motion, thereby optimizing the absorption of these nutrients by intestinal villi.


Hyssop essential oil can also speed up detoxification of your body, removal of excess water and sodium, loss of fats and reduction in blood pressure just by promoting a single thing – urination. It increases the frequency of urination and the quantity of urine as well. This has other benefits too. Hyssop essential oil keeps your heart healthy, aids digestion, and also reduces the formation of gas.


This property of Hyssop essential oil can help women with irregular, obstructed, painful, or exhausting menstruation. This oil opens up menses, makes it regular and also helps overcome symptoms related with menses like nausea, headache, pain in lower abdomen, fatigue, loss of appetite, and mood swings.


This is yet another beneficial property of Hyssop essential oil. It is an expectorant. This is a good remedy to loosen phlegm that has been tightly deposited in the respiratory tracts. This keeps the respiratory system warm and stops any further deposition of phlegm in it. Moreover, it helps to cure the infections due to the common cold.


This oil, having carminative properties, helps clear gases from the intestines and relieves you of problems like uneasiness, heaviness, indigestion, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and even heart troubles. Furthermore, Hyssop oil does not allow the formation of gas. It actually stimulates the downward passage of gas for safe expulsion from the body.


When fever is due to infections, it helps reduce it by fighting infections. When fever is due to an accumulation of toxins in the body, this oil reduces it by promoting the removal of toxins from the body through urination. Hyssop oil also brings about sweating, which helps bring down a person’s temperature in cases of very high fever.


Now, this property may not be welcome for normal or hypertensive people, but it is beneficial for hypotensive people (people who suffer from low blood pressure). This essential oil can raise blood pressure and help get rid of problems associated with low blood pressure, such as headaches, a tendency of vomiting, fatigue, and swelling in the limbs.


Being a Nervine means serving as a tonic for the nervous system. This keeps the nervous system healthy and in good, working order, and helps to avoid nervous disorders. It is effective in cases of vertigo, nervousness, and convulsions as well. Hyssop essential oil is a good nervine and tones up the entire nervous system.


Hyssop oil stimulates all the systems running inside the body. It stimulates the nervous, circulatory, digestive, endocrine, neural, and excretory systems. Thus, it stimulates the body’s metabolism as a whole and helps in optimal consumption and absorption of the nutrients. It also stimulates and activates the immune system and protects your body from infections and diseases.


If someone is suffering from very limited perspiration, obstructed perspiration, or no perspiration at all (something teenagers have always wanted), he or she could be in big trouble. It simply means that toxic elements, excess water, and sodium is accumulating in your body, which is paving the way for bigger or chronic trouble. So, get going and use Hyssop essential oil. Being a sudorific, it helps bring about a lot of perspiration and frees your body of toxins, water, and extra salts. It also can help you to slim down.


It kills worms, intestinal and otherwise while helping those children enjoy a better life who were suffering from obstructed growth due to these worms. Nutrients can actually be put to good use, and children can begin to develop properly.


Hyssop essential oil protects wounds from infections and helps them heal quicker.

Other Benefits

It is very effective against diseases resulting from viral infections such as coughs, colds, flu, mumps, tonsillitis, and sore throat, as well as on bronchitis, asthma, eczema, dermatitis, and inflammation.

Pinoy Testimonies : Mga Sakit na napagaling ng HYSSOP OIL OF LIFE



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